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           Human Rights For Women 

Event  Criminal Justice  

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Title: Sexual Exploitation & Sex TraffickingFeasible and Realistic Way to Resolve

under National and International Legal Perspective  

Date7/28/2021 National Conference via Zoom


  주제성착취 & 성매매 :

국내법적 그리고 국제법적 관점에서의 현실적인 실행가능한 해결 방법 

날짜: 7/28/2021 국내회의 via Zoom 




We got to let them know nobody could get away with it 

고려대 국제연구 법률센터 학술행사

정치적 성향없이 참석하신 강의자분  

발표하실 내용과 각종 인권들을 주 목적으로

행할 이벤트임을 말씀전해드리며 다시 한 번 감사드립니다

We inform you in advance that ILHRPC

Academic Event is Universally for its various

progress of human rights not related

to any political affiliation of participant Gratified

< Please note that the profile order is listed

in the order of the presentation Thank You >

(3) 조진경 대표님-removebg-preview.jpg

조 진경 {Cho Jin-Kyeong}

​십대여성인권센터 (Teen-Up), 대표 (2012 - 현재)

Stand Up Against Sex-Trafficking of Minors Republic of Korea, Representative (2012 - present) 

법무부 정책 위원회, 위원 (2020 - 현재) 

Policy Committee under Ministry of Justice, Member (2020 - present) 

경찰청 여성안전정책, 자문위원 (2006 - 2008)

Korean National Police Agency : Safety Policy of Women, Advisor (2006 - 2008) 

성매매방지정책협의회, 실무위원 (2003 - 2008) 

Prevention Policy Council as to Sex-Trafficking, Practice Member (2003 - 2008)

강의 제목 : "n번방" 성착취 사건 그 이후 개정한 법률

Lecture Title : Amendment of National Law After "Nth Room" case

토론자: 이 도은 

Panelist : Lee Doh-Eun (Women & Human Rights)

조 주은 {Cho Joo-Eun}

​경찰청 생활안전국 여성안전, 기획관 (2019 - 현재)

Korean National Police Agency : Security Bureau, Director General (2019 - present)

여성가족부 장관, 정책보자관 (2019)

Minister of Gender Equality and Family, Policy Advisor (2019)

경찰청 성평등위원회, 위원 (2018)

Korean National Police Agency : Gender Equality Committee, Member (2018)

국회입법조사처, 입법조사관 (2009 - 2018)

The National Assembly Legislative Investigation Office, Legal Investigator (2009 - 2018)


강의 제목 : 자치경찰제 시행에 따른 성매매 단속 & 수사

Lecture Title : The Sex-Trafficking Crackdown and Investigation

in accordance with the Enforcement of 

Local & Municipal Police System

토론자: 이 지혜 

Panelist : Alicia Lee Jie-Hye 

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이 지혜 {Alicia  Jie-Hye Lee} 

​고려대학교 국제법 연구센터, 국장 (2021 - 현재)

KU Intl Law Research Center Republic of Korea, Director (2021 - present) 

유씨 버클리 로스쿨, 연구원 (2020 - 현재) 

UC Berkeley Law School, Associate Researcher (2020 - present) 

십대여성인권센터 (Teen-Up) 국제부, 이사 (2018 - 현재)

Stand Up Against Sex-Trafficking of Minors Republic of Korea, Director (2018 - present) 

PBC & WRC (2012 - 현재) 

PBC & WRC (2012 - present)  

강의 제목 : 성착취 & 성매매와 관련된 국제법의 현실태와 그 변화의 필요성 

Lecture Title : The Current State of International Law related to

Sex-Trafficking & Sexual Exploitation and the Necessity of Its Change

토론자: 하 헌휘 

Panelist : Ha Heon-Hui (Women & Human Rights)

강의자의 발표논문 관련 자료들을 

현 포스트내 받으실 사람들은

클릭하며 콘택트내 들어있는 폼으로

문의하여 주시길 바래요 감사드립니다 

Certain People that would like to have access

of presented data references by our main Lecturers

please click current box & inquire through its

email or below contact form Gratify

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 "n번방" 성착취 사건 그 이후 개정한 법률

 Amendment of National Law After "Nth Room" case

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자치경찰제 시행에 따른 성매매 단속 & 수사

 The Sex-Trafficking Crackdown and Investigation in

accordance with the Enforcement of Local & Municipal Police System

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성착취 & 성매매  :

국제법적 관점에서의 현실적인 실행가능한 해결 방법 

Sexual Exploitation & Sex Trafficking : Feasible and Realistic Way to Resolve

Under Interational  Legal  Perspective  

Pink Velvet


Pink Velvet

           Human Rights For Women 

Event  Criminal Justice 





Title: Present State of Affairs of Sex Trafficking/Exploitation and 

Relevant National  International Legislations & Its Rightful Future Direction     

Date: 8/11/2022 International Conference via Zoom


  주제: 현 성매매/성착취의 국가별 현황과 관련 국내법과 국제법 & 

​앞으로의 미래의 바른 방향

날짜: 8/11/2022일 국제회의 via Zoom



Those who try to Take away Human Rights

will Eventually be sentenced to Lifetime Haunted Guilt 


Please Click 

고려대 국제연구 법률센터 학술행사

정치적 성향없이 참석하신 강의자분  

발표하실 내용과 각종 인권들을 주 목적으로

행할 이벤트임을 말씀전해드리며 다시 한 번 감사드립니다

We inform you in advance that ILHRPC

Academic Event is Universally for its various

progress of human rights not related

to any political affiliation of participant Gratified

< Please note that the profile order is listed

in the order of the presentation Thank You >

Jie-Hye Lee_edited.jpg

Alicia  Jie-Hye Lee

Korea University International Law Research Center, Director (2021 - present) 

UC Berkeley Law School, Associate Researcher (2020 - present) 

Stand Up Against Sex-Trafficking of Minors : Intl Div, Director (2018 - present) 

PBC & WRC (2012 - present) 

Lecture Title : Present State of Affairs of Sex Trafficking/Exploitation  

and the International Legislation & Its Rightful Future Direction 

(3) 조진경 대표님-removebg-preview.jpg

Cho Jin-Kyeong

Stand Up Against Sex-Trafficking of Minors Republic of Korea, Representative (2012 - present) 

Policy Committee under Ministry of Justice, Member (2020 - present) 

Korean National Police Agency : Safety Policy of Women, Advisor (2006 - 2008)

Prevention Policy Council as to Sex-Trafficking, Practice Member (2003 - 2008)

Lecture Title : Present State of Affairs of Sex Trafficking/Exploitation 

Korean National Law Amendment & Its Rightful Future Direction 

Lina Garcia-Daza

Red Cross Forced Marriage & Labour Anti-trafficking Team Australia, Lead (2018 - present)

High Commissioner for Peace, Legal Advisor (2014 - present)

Masters of Law and Criminal Justice Univ Degli Studio di Torino Italy, Graduate (2011 - 2012)

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crimes, Senior Legal Advisor (2009 - 2013)

Lecture Title : Present State of Affairs of Human Trafficking/Exploitation

in Australia and Legislations & Its Rightful Future Direction

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Lori Cohen


End Child Prostitution, Porn And Trafficking US, Chief Executive (2021 - present) 

End Child Prostitution, Porn And Trafficking US, Executive Director (2019 - 2021) 

Yale Law School, Lecturer (2016 & 2021)

Advocate for Anti-trafficking Policy, Pro Bono Lawyer (2012 - present)

Lecture Title : Present State of Affairs of Human Trafficking in

the US and Legislations & Its Rightful Future Direction

Wirawan-Boom Mosby

The HUG Project Thailand, Founder & Director (2012 - present) 

Children Advocacy Center Thailand, Launcher & Director (2014 - present) 

Thailand Internet Crimes Against Children, Member (2016 - present)

Thailand Anti-Trafficking in Persons Taskforce, Advocate (2018 - present)

Lecture Title : Present State of Affairs of Sex Trafficking/Exploitation

in Thailand and Legislations & Its Rightful Future Direction

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(4) Norway-Ida_Ryen.jpg

Ida Ryen

Hope for Justice, Team Leader Norway Programmes (2020 - present) 

East Police District, Police (2014 - 2020) 

Trondelag Police District, Police (2013 - 2014)

Norwegian School of Leadership and Theology, Graduate (2008 - 2009)

Lecture Title : Present State of Affairs of Sex Trafficking/Exploitation

in Norway and Legislations & Its Rightful Future Direction

Junko Miyamoto

End Child Prostitution, Porn And Trafficking Japan, Representative (2012 - present)

STOP Japan, Representative (2012 - present)

Internet Hotline Center Japan Co-op by National Police Agency, Advocate (2018 - present)

Internet Contents Safety Association, Committee Member (2020 - present)

Lecture Title : Present State of Affairs of Sex Trafficking/Exploitation

in Japan and Legislations & Its Rightful Future Direction

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(3) Meg_South Africa_photo-removebg-preview.jpg

Meg Cooke 

A21 Campaign South Africa, Train and Identification Specialist (2021 - present) 

Local Anti-Human Trafficking South Africa, Advocate (2018 - present) 

Irwin Mitchell LLP, Clinical Lawyer (2016 - 2020) 

Master of Laws in Professional Legal Practice (2014 - 2016) 

Lecture Title : Present State of Affairs of Sex Trafficking in

South Africa and Legislations & Its Rightful Future Direction

Szilvia Gyurko

Hintalovon Child Rights Hungary, Founder & Director (2016 - present)

Every Child Protected Against Trafficking Hungary, Head of the Board (2016 - present)

Hungarian National Committee of UNICEF, Advocacy Director (2012 - 2014)

Clinical Legal Education Program ELTE School of Law, Head of the Program (2008 - 2014)

Lecture Title : Present State of Affairs of Sex Trafficking/Exploitation

in Hungary and Legislations & Its Rightful Future Direction

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(6) Colombia_Nelson Rivera-removebg-preview.jpg

Nelson Rivera 

Fundacion Renacer Colombia, Deputy Director & Coordinator (1994 - present) 

Fundacion Renacer Colombia, Director of Refresher Courses (1998 - present)

Restrepo Barco Foundation and Research Institute Colombia, Facilitator (1996 - 1998)

San Gregorio Therapeutic Community substance users Colombia, Therapist (1988 - 1992) 

Lecture Title : Present State of Affairs of Sex Trafficking/Exploitation

in Colombia and Legislations & Its Rightful Future Direction

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Ricardo Valdes

CHS Alternativo Peru, Chief  Executive Director (2001 - present) 

CHS Alternative Peru, Board of Directors & General Manager (2004 - present)

Public Security at Ministry of Interior Peru, Deputy Minister (2016 - 2018) 

Desafio y Respuesta Peru, Founder & Director (1986 - 1991)

Lecture Title : Present State of Affairs of Human Trafficking/Exploitation

in Peru and Legislations & Its Rightful Future Direction

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             No Hideous Crime Is ever remained hidden    


                       Let's Hear the victims and Act Proportionately  

            Pray for Peace in each Country Thank You to our Heartful Presenters 

강의자의 발표논문 관련 자료들을 

현 포스트내 받으실 사람들은

클릭하며 콘택트내 들어있는 폼으로

문의하여 주시길 바래요 감사드립니다 

Certain People that would like to have access

of presented data references by our main Lecturers

please click current box & inquire through its

email or below contact form Gratify

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Present State of Affairs of Sex Trafficking/Exploitation  

and the International Legislations & Its Rightful Future Direction

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Present State of Affairs of Sex Trafficking/Exploitation 

Korean Amendment of National Law & Its Rightful Future Direction

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Present State of Affairs of Human Trafficking/Exploitation

in Australia and Legislations & Its Rightful Future Direction 

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Present State of Affairs of Human Trafficking in

the US and Legislations & Its Rightful Future Direction

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Present State of Affairs of Sex Trafficking/Exploitation

in Thailand and Legislations & Its Rightful Future Direction

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Present State of Affairs of Human Trafficking/Exploitation

in Norway and Legislations & Its Rightful Future Direction

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Present State of Affairs of Sex Trafficking/Exploitation

in Japan and Legislations & Its Rightful Future Direction

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Present State of Affairs of Sex Trafficking in

South Africa and Legislations & Its Rightful Future Direction

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Present State of Affairs of Human Trafficking/Exploitation

in Hungary and Legislations & Its Rightful Future Direction

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Present State of Affairs of Sex Trafficking/Exploitation

in Colombia and Legislations & Its Rightful Future Direction

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Present State of Affairs of Sex Trafficking/Exploitation

in Peru and Legislations & Its Rightful Future Direction

Pink Velvet


Pink Velvet

           Human Rights For Women

Event  International  Law 






Title: Analysis About Procedures Relevant To Violent Crime Misogyny & 

Review Under International Law      

Date: 7/21/2023 National Conference via Zoom


  주제: 강력범죄 여성적대 관련 기제분석​

및 국제법적 검토​

날짜: 7/21/2023일 국내회의 via Zoom



Those who try to Take away Human Rights

will Eventually be sentenced to Lifetime Haunted Guilt  

고려대 국제연구 법률센터 학술행사

정치적 성향없이 참석하신 강의자분  

발표하실 내용과 각종 인권들을 주 목적으로

행할 이벤트임을 말씀전해드리며 다시 한 번 감사드립니다

We inform you in advance that ILHRPC

Academic Event is Universally for its various

progress of human rights not related

to any political affiliation of participant Gratified

강의자의 발표논문 관련 자료들을 

현 포스트내 받으실 사람들은

클릭하며 콘택트내 들어있는 폼으로

문의하여 주시길 바래요 감사드립니다 

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of presented data references by our main Lecturers

please click current box & inquire through its

email or below contact form Gratify

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 여성적대 관련 범죄의 심리학적 기제 및 정의

 Analysis About Psychology Relevant To Violent Crime Misogyny

NCS 연합학회Affiliate 

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인류학적 관점내 바라본 여성적대 관련 강력범죄

Misogynistic Crimes from a Human  Perspective

NCS  연합학회 Affiliate 

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강력범죄 관련 학대 경험의 신경과학적인  효과

Neuroscientific Reaction of Abuse Experiences on Violent Crimes

NCS 연합학회 Affiliate 

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국제법적 관점내의 여성관련 강력범죄 현실적인 해결방법

Realistic Ways To Resolve Violent Crimes Against Women In International Perspective

ILRC  Director 

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Pink Velvet

          Human Rights For Women

Event International  Convention  






Title : Realistic Practical Legal Procedure to Gradually Establish 

           International Law About Sex Trafficking Against Minors  

Date : 8/21/2024 {Part 1International Conference


  주제 : 국제성매매법 단계적인 제정을 위한

현실적인 실용적인 국제법적 절차 및 실질적인 관련 이행과정

날짜 : 2024년 8월 21일 {1부}국제회의



Those who try to Take away Human Rights

will Eventually be sentenced to Lifetime Haunted Guilt  

고려대 국제연구 법률센터 학술행사

정치적 성향없이 참석하신 강의자분  

발표하실 내용과 각종 인권들을 주 목적으로

행할 이벤트임을 말씀전해드리며 다시 한 번 감사드립니다

We inform you in advance that ILHRPC

Academic Event is Universally for its various

progress of human rights not related

to any political affiliation of participant Gratified

관련전문가들의 발표논문 관련 자료들을 

현 포스트내 받으실 사람들은

클릭하며 콘택트내 들어있는 폼으로

문의하여 주시길 바래요 감사드립니다 

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of presented data references by our main Authorities

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