Law of the Sea
Event | Protect Marine Environment
Title: Discharge of the Fukushima Treated Water & Its Effect on the Marine Environment
Date: 6/21/2022 International Conference via Zoom
주제: 후쿠시마 원전수와 해양 환경에 미치는 효과
날짜: 6/21/2022 국제회의 via Zoom
Law have existed not as a mere decoration to simply be appreciated
Law exists as the basic incentive for us to take realistic action
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고려대 국제연구 법률센터 학술행사
정치적 성향없이 참석하신 강의자분
발표하실 내용과 각종 인권들을 주 목적으로
행할 이벤트임을 말씀전해드리며 다시 한 번 감사드립니다
We inform you in advance that ILHRPC
Academic Event is Universally for its various
progress of human rights not related
to any political affiliation of participant Gratified
< Please note that the profile order is Listed
in the order of the presentation Thank You >
Heigo Sato
Takushoku University, International Studies, Professor (2006 - present)
Takushoku University, Institute of World Studies, Vice President (2006 - present)
Japan Association of International Security and Trade,
Vice President (2017 - present)
UN Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems,
Delegation of the Government of Japan (2018 - present)
Lecture Title : Wastewater Management at Fukushima - The Current Development Chance for Japan & Republic of Korea Dialogue
Yu Chiang
Institute of Nuclear Energy Research Taiwan, Associate Researcher
(2018 - present)
Atomic Energy Council Taiwan, Associate Researcher
(2018 - present)
Lecture Title : Development of Preparation Measures
as to the Radionuclides Detection and the Safety Analysis System in Taiwan
Yen-Chiang Chang
Dalian Maritime University School of Law China, International Law, Professor
(2018 - present)
Shandong University School of Law China, International Law, Professor
(2008 - 2018)
UNESCO Centre for Water Law, Policy and Science, Researcher (2007 - 2008)
Coast Guard Administration, Executive Yuan, Lecturer in Law (2000 - Present)
Lecture Title : How to Cope with Fukushima Nuclear - Contaminated Water
Discharge - Cooperation between China and Republic of Korea
Alicia Jie-Hye Lee
Korea University International Law Research Center, Director (2021 - present)
UC Berkeley Law School, Associate Researcher (2020 - present)
Stand Up Against Sex-Trafficking of Minors : Intl Div, Director (2018 - present)
PBC & WRC (2012 - present)
Lecture Title : The Road to Prevent Incidents & Conflicts
Relevant to the Fukushima Disposal Plan
True Approach
Regional Cooperation
Pray for Peace in the Pacific Thank You to our Heartful Presenters
강의자의 발표논문 관련 자료들을
현 포스트내 받으실 사람들은
클릭하며 콘택트내 들어있는 폼으로
문의하여 주시길 바래요 감사드립니다
Certain People that would like to have access
of presented data references by our main Lecturers
please click current box & inquire through its
email or below contact form Gratify
Wastewater Management at Fukushima - The Current
Development Chance for Japan & Republic of Korea Dialogue
Development of Preparation Measures as to the Radionuclides
Detection and the Safety Analysis System in Taiwan
How to Cope with Fukushima Nuclear - Contaminated Water
Discharge - Cooperation between China and Republic of Korea
The Road to Prevent Incidents & Conflicts
Relevant to the Fukushima Disposal Plan