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Korean National Police Agency 

National Assembly of the Republic of Korea

 Alicia   Jie-Hye Lee




ILRC Title: Effect & Implication of the Enforcement as to the Foreign Anti-Stalking Laws

Date: 11/14/2022 National Conference at the National Assembly Conference Room


  ILRC 주제: 해외 스토킹 처벌법 입법례 관련 시행효과 및 시사점

날짜  11/14/2022 국내회의 국회의원회관 회의실



We got to let them know nobody could get away with it 


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고려대 국제연구 법률센터 학술행사

정치적 성향없이 참석하신 강의자분  

발표하실 내용과 각종 인권들을 주 목적으로

행할 이벤트임을 말씀전해드리며 다시 한 번 감사드립니다

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Academic Event is Universally for its various

progress of human rights not related

to any political affiliation of participant Gratified

강의자의 발표논문 관련 자료들을 

현 포스트내 받으실 사람들은

클릭하며 콘택트내 들어있는 폼으로

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해외 스토킹처벌법 입법례 관련 시행효과 및 시사점





          Host :      

Korean National Police Agency   

International Law Research Center

Korean Women Lawyers Association   



Title: Research of Ways To Recover the Underprivileged Victims : Legal Restraints on Criminals 

Date: 4/27/2023 at Korea University Law School CJ Law Bldg Hall Conference Room`


주제사회적 약자인 범죄피해자의 일상 회복을 위한 방안 : 가해자 제재조치 강화를 중심으로

날짜: 4/27/2023 고려대 CJ 법학관 베리타스홀내 회의실

We got to let them know nobody could get away with it 

고려대 국제연구 법률센터 학술행사

정치적 성향없이 참석하신 강의자분  

발표하실 내용과 각종 인권들을 주 목적으로

행할 이벤트임을 말씀전해드리며 다시 한 번 감사드립니다

We inform you in advance that ILHRPC

Academic Event is Universally for its various

progress of human rights not related

to any political affiliation of participant Gratified

강의자의 발표논문 관련 자료들을 

현 포스트내 받으실 사람들은

클릭하며 콘택트내 들어있는 폼으로

문의하여 주시길 바래요 감사드립니다 

Certain People that would like to have access

of presented data references by our main Lecturers

please click current box & inquire through its

email or below contact form Gratify

이 지혜 (Jie-Hye Alicia Lee)

아동 성범죄 해외사례 입법례 시행효과 및 시사점 & 특정 범죄 가해자 전자장치 부착 해외 사례

Effect / Implication as to Enforcement of Foreign Child Sexual Abuse Case Laws & Foreign Policies of Attachment of Electronic Tags to Criminals


    Current Child Sexual Abuse Foreign Case Laws relevant to

Residence Restrictions

 현 아동성범죄자 거주지 제한 관련 해외 입법사례 

 Alicia  Jie-Hye Lee (Director at Intl Law Research Center) | 이 지혜  고려대 국제법연구센터 국장


Ways to Introduce "Electronic Surveillance" for Criminal Stalkers :

Is Electronic Surveillance Worth to Protect the Victims 

​스토킹 가해자 대상 '전자감독' 도입 : 전자 감독은 스토킹 피해자 보호를 강화 하는가 

Han Min-Gyeong (Professor at Korean National Police University) | 한 민경 경찰대학 교수


Projects to Ameliorate as to Legislative System

Relevant to the Protection of Underprivileged Group  

​사회적 약자 보호 관련 국내 입법체계 및 개선방안

Lee Soo​-Yeon (General Manager at Korean Women Lawyers Association) | 이 수연 한국여성변호사회 사무국장

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National Laws  

Foreign case laws of school violence 

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Title: Hidden Guidance & Awareness

          Foreign Case Laws About cyber harassment school violence 

Date: 7/23/2024 International Conference 


주제학교폭력 사이버 괴롭힘

관련 해외입법사례 및 시사점

날짜: 7/23/2024 국제회의

We got to let them know nobody could get away with it 


Current situation of school violence bullying & online harassment

in the US and Relevant Laws/Policies

French W (Presenter Coordinator at a California Bullying Prevention Center)


Current situation of school violence bullying & online harassment

in Australia mainland

Debora G  (Researcher at University of South Australia research concentrated on Issues of bullying/cyber bullying)


Relevant certain Australian Laws/Policies that indicates school bullying

& online harassment


 Barbara (Professor at University of South Australia lecture concentrated on Issues of bullying/cyber bullying)


Current situation of school violence bullying & online harassment

in Republic of Korea Relevant Laws/Policies

Alicia L (Director Lecturer at Intl Law & Human Rights Policy Center)

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Ways National Policy Could Apply Foreign Laws

That Deals Aggravated International Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault 


마약복용 강제추행 

해외입법사례의 적용방법 및 시사점 


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