인권위한 많은분들 도움선의 감사해요
Lets Continue Put Word Humbly Guide Realife Activity
beau arts pour paix et le notre humanité devoir avoir une véritable croyance en logique réalité
International Law Human Rights Policy Center
이스라엘\팔레스타인내의 국민들과 이스라엘\팔레스타인들을 돕는
분들 안전생명을 기도드립니다.
Deeply Pray For People in Israel Palestine
우크라이나내의 국민들과 우크라이나를 돕는
분들 안전생명을 기도드립니다.
Deeply Pray For People in Ukraine Allies
International Law & Human Rights Policy Center
We are here to research take action for actions speak louder than words
Feel see actual progress of grave issues our people and world currently face
let's together take initiative to gradually ameliorate the negative boost positivity
2022 June - December 2023 April - December
11/14/2022 4/21/2023
< Anti-Stalking Laws by Countries and Its Effect > National Human Rights Law : North Korea
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8/26/2022 4/27/2023
< Air & Space : Real Talk > National & Foreign Criminal Law : Policies & Laws
appreciate gratify Finalize appreciate gratify Finalize
8/11/2022 7/21/2023
< Women Rights International Conference > Intl Crime Against Women: Neurocriminology Review
appreciate gratify Finalize appreciate gratify Finalize
7/21/2022 8/29/2023
< Aftereffect of the Basel Convention Amendment Illegal Traffick At Sea : Plastic Waste
& Future Pathways > appreciate gratify Finalize
appreciate gratify Finalize
Please Request documents through 12/16/2023
Above contact form Space Law & Space Debris : Real Talk
Thank You to those appreciate gratify Finalize
That have inquired
7/7/2022 12/31/2023
< Realistic Road To Prevent Political Corruption : AI & Environment Human Rights : Real Talk
Real Talk > appreciate gratify Finalize
appreciate gratify Finalize
6/27/2022 4/26/2024
< Intl Political and Legal Implication of Current State International Law of War
of Affairs in Ukraine > appreciate gratify Finalize
appreciate gratify Finalize
6/21/2022 7/16/2024
< Discharge of the Fukushima Treated Water & International Law Space Debris
Its Effect on the Marine Environment > appreciate gratify Finalize
Finalized . . Thank you
6/14/2022 7/23/2024
< Current Issues & Laws at the ILC > School Violence : National Foreign Laws Policies
appreciate gratify Finalize appreciate gratify Finalize
6/2/2022 8/21/2024
< ICJ - The Challenge and contribution to the Part 1 Women Human Rights Conference
development of the International Law> appreciate gratify Finalize
appreciate gratify Finalize
12/8 - 9/2021 11/19/2024 < In Prep >
< International Conference : Sexual Violence & Drugs : National Foreign Case Laws
Digital Agriculture > Please note that date is subject to change
appreciate gratify Finalize
7/28/2021 12/21/2024 < In Prep >
< National Conference : Part 2 Women Human Rights Conference
Feasible Resolution as to Sexual Exploitation > Please note that date is subject to change
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International Law & Treaty :
Potentiality of Treaty toward International Human Rights Laws
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(자료들은 위의 Contact Form으로 요청해 주시기 바랍니다.
문의해 주신 분들께 감사드립니다.)
International Law & Politics :
The Realistic Roadmap within the National | International Community
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(자료들은 위의 Contact Form으로 요청해 주시기 바랍니다.
문의해 주신 분들께 감사드립니다.)
Human Rights of Women in Afghanistan & Countries Beyond :
Past, Present & Future
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(Please request documents through above Contact Form.
Thank You to those who have Inquired.)
Current Human Rights State of North Korea and
The Roadmap Direction of the National | International Community
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(자료들은 위의 Contact Form으로 요청해 주시기 바랍니다.
문의해 주신 분들께 감사드립니다.)