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Host: Ministry of Foreign Affairs & ILRC 

Lecturer: Payam Akhavan at PCA

Title: Crimes Against Humanity and Genocide in Intl Law - Human Rights of Women

Date: 10/27/2022 at Korea University ILRC Center  


주최: 외교부 & 국제법 연구센터

강의자: PCA내 Payam Akhavan

주제: ​국제법내 인도에 반한 죄와 집단 샬해죄 - 여성인권

날짜: 10/27/2022 고려대학교 국제법 연구센터




고려대 국제연구 법률센터 학술행사

정치적 성향없이 참석하신 강의자분  

발표하실 내용과 각종 인권들을 주 목적으로

행할 이벤트임을 말씀전해드리며 다시 한 번 감사드립니다

We inform you in advance that ILHRPC

Academic Event is Universally for its various

progress of human rights not related

to any political affiliation of participant Gratified

< 먼저 Grand Chamber과 PCA의 Legal Counsel로 Intl Arbitrator로 활약하신 Payam Akhavan께서 

저희 국제법연구센터에 먼걸음 하시어

저희 고대 로스쿨 학생들의 강의를 해주고 싶었다는 따뜻한 말씀과

방문에 마음 깊이 감사드립니다

We would like to Deeply Thank Payam Akhavan the Legal Counsel of Grand Chamber & PCA etc. 

For his generous request to visit ILRC and 

Give a Lecture to our KU Law School students  

Again Deeply Appreciate It >


Payam Akhavan {Legal Counsel of the Grand Chamber}

Permanent Court of Arbitration, Arbitrator Member (present) 

The Iran Human Rights Documentation Center, Founder (present)

Ministry of Global Affairs of Canada, Senior Advisor (present)

University of Toronto Canada, International Law Professor (present) 

Yale Law School, Lecturer

Université Paris Nanterre, Lecturer 

Grand Chamber European Court of Human Rights, Legal Counsel

The International Criminal Court, Legal Counsel

Lecture Title :

Crimes Against Humanity and Genocide in International Law - Human Rights of Women

강의자의 발표논문 관련 자료들을 

현 포스트내 받으실 사람들은

클릭하며 콘택트내 들어있는 폼으로

문의하여 주시길 바래요 감사드립니다 

Certain People that would like to have access

of presented data references by our main Lecturers

please click current box & inquire through its

email or below contact form Gratify


Crimes Against Humanity and

Genocide in

International Law 

Human Rights of Women

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