Human Rights For Environment
Event | Digital Agriculture
What is problem to a person is a problem to every person
International Conference held by
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN :
Chief Director of ILRC Alicia Jie-Hye Lee
Will Be Participating in the UN Conference and
Give a Presentation regarding"Digital Agriculture"
Earnestly Aid the Farmers in the Poorest Regions
Thank You
주최하는 국제회의 :
국제법연구센터 이 지혜 국장님이
가장 가난한 지역의 농민들을 돕기 위해
"디지털화 농업"에 대한 프레젠테이션을 하고자
유엔식량농업기구에서 주최하는 국제 회의에 참석할 예정입니다
International Conference | Presentation in December 8th Wednesday 2021
Theme : Agroecology Curriculum & Extension
Digital Agriculture : Initiatives & Prospective
towards Sustainable and Green Rural Transformation
Alicia Jie-Hye Lee
Before digital agriculture was introduced agriculture in Asian region and elsewhere was developed availing traditional tools with very little technology. Generally, tools that are used in agriculture must fit the respective regions or else it may cause a negative impact on the entire food production system. Digital Agriculture has potential to contribute to healthier economically and environmentally sustainable agriculture and effectively meet the agricultural goals of respective country or a region where each agriculture ecosystem is different. Thus, it is important for the relevant stakeholders (i.e., any group or individual who can affect or is affected by the resolution of the problem addressed by the network) to Research, Communicate, Develop and Implement technology relevant to agriculture that are appropriate for the conditions of respective regions. For this reason, nowadays, implementation of Digital Technology along with a communication network that connects the stakeholders altogether is deemed effective and preferred in Asia and many other regions as well. The purpose of this presentation is to document and provide a general outlook of the current situation of the Digital Agriculture in Asia & beyond, beginning from the definition and types of digital technology relevant to agriculture, case studies in certain regions, initiatives to relevant policies and strategies along with the challenges they could face in the implementation process and provide recommendations for Academia and Research Institutions (ARIs) Curriculum as to Agroecology & Family Farming relevant to Digital Agriculture, which is to achieve effective tools that could provide a sustainable food production for farmers in the poorest region, and eventually avert famine, possibly, in every region in this world, which is the main purpose of this conference | presentation.
죄송스럽게도 관련 회의가 영어로 진행이 될거라서 이 발제문 역시 영어로 기록될 거예요 . .
이해가 어려우신 분들께서는 영한 번역기를 이용해 주시면 감사드리겠습니다 . .
다시 한 번 죄송하단 말씀 전해드리구요 . .
이해해 주셔서 미리 감사드립니다 . .
Audio Presentation of Alicia Lee Jie-Hye
Until Every Barren Land Gradually Be Abundant Soon
Would like to send My Cheers & Gratitude From the bottom of my Heart to Every Farmer working arduously . .
To feed their nation & To feed our world . .
And for the sake of the heartfelt farmers in the Poorest regions . .
We Together will Guide the arduous road you are walking until your hard work Pays off again Cheers and Thank you . .
Human Rights For Environment
Event | Basel Convention
Title: Aftereffect of the Basel Convention Amendment & Future Pathways
Date: 7/21/2022 International Conference via Zoom
주제: 바젤 협약의 수정안의 효과 & 앞으로 향해야 될 방향
날짜: 7/21/2022 국제회의 via Zoom
What is problem to a person is a problem to every person
Please Click
고려대 국제연구 법률센터 학술행사
정치적 성향없이 참석하신 강의자분
발표하실 내용과 각종 인권들을 주 목적으로
행할 이벤트임을 말씀전해드리며 다시 한 번 감사드립니다
We inform you in advance that ILHRPC
Academic Event is Universally for its various
progress of human rights not related
to any political affiliation of participant Gratified
< Please note that the profile order is listed
in the order of the presentation Thank You >
Patrick Umuhoza
Rwanda Environment Management Authority, Coop Commissioner (2018 - present)
National Focal Point of Basel Convention, Advisor (2018 - present)
Implementation of the Multilateral Environment Agreements, Advisor (2016 - 2018)
Supreme Court of Rwanda, Environmental Lawyer (2016 - 2018)
Lecture Title : Plastic Waste : Aftereffect of the Basel Convention Amendment
in Rwanda & Future Pathways
Norhisham-Abdul Hamid
Department of Environment Ministry of Environment & Water Malaysia,
Hazardous Substance Division, Principal Assistant Director (2019 - present)
Department of Environment Malaysia, Branch Head (2014 - 2019)
Assistant Director (2004 - 2014)
Lecture Title : Environment Hazards : Aftereffect of the Basel Convention Amendment
in Malaysia & Future Pathways
Achmad Gunawan
Hazardous Waste and non Hazardous Substances Management
Ministry of Environment and Forestry Indonesia, Director (2018 - present)
UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, Delegation (2016 - 2018)
Ministry of Environment and Forestry Indonesia (2001 - 2017)
Lecture Title : Hazardous Plastic : Aftereffect of the Basel Convention Amendment
in Indonesia & Future Pathways
Alicia Jie-Hye Lee
Korea University International Law Research Center, Director (2021 - present)
UC Berkeley Law School, Associate Researcher (2020 - present)
Stand Up Against Sex-Trafficking of Minors : Intl Div, Director (2018 - present)
PBC & WRC (2012 - present)
Lecture Title : International Issue : Aftereffect of the Basel Convention Amendment
in General & Future Pathways
Where we discard our waste could be Home of another person
Halt pretentious act Because we know Be True for Environment and People
Pray for Peace in each Country Thank You to our Heartful Presenters
강의자의 발표논문 관련 자료들을
현 포스트내 받으실 사람들은
클릭하며 콘택트내 들어있는 폼으로
문의하여 주시길 바래요 감사드립니다
Certain People that would like to have access
of presented data references by our main Lecturers
please click current box & inquire through its
email or below contact form Gratify
Plastic Waste : Aftereffect of the Basel Convention Amendment
in Rwanda & Future Pathways
Environment Hazards : Aftereffect of the Basel Convention Amendment
in Malaysia & Future Pathways
Hazardous Plastic : Aftereffect of the Basel Convention Amendment
in Indonesia & Future Pathways
International Issue : Aftereffect of the Basel Convention Amendment
in General & Future Pathways
Human Rights For Environment
Event | Remnant Challenge
Title: Remained Aftermath of Basel Convention Plastic Waste Amendment :
Its Remnant Challenge & Future Road for a Cleaner Environment
Date: 8/29/2023 International Conference via Zoom
주제: 바젤협약 플라스틱 폐기물 수정안의 남아있는 여파와
남은 도전과제 및 보다 나은 깨끗한 환경을 위해 나아가야 할 길
날짜: 8/29/2023 국제회의 via Zoom
What is problem to a person is a problem to every person
Please Click
고려대 국제연구 법률센터 학술행사
정치적 성향없이 참석하신 강의자분
발표하실 내용과 각종 인권들을 주 목적으로
행할 이벤트임을 말씀전해드리며 다시 한 번 감사드립니다
We inform you in advance that ILHRPC
Academic Event is Universally for its various
progress of human rights not related
to any political affiliation of participant Gratified
강의자의 발표논문 관련 자료들을
현 포스트내 받으실 사람들은
클릭하며 콘택트내 들어있는 폼으로
문의하여 주시길 바래요 감사드립니다
Certain People that would like to have access
of presented data references by our main Lecturers
please click current box & inquire through its
email or below contact form Gratify
France To Pave Ways To Ameliorate Plastic Issues :
Road Toward Clean Environment
Valerie Amant < Director at the Sea Cleaner France >
Basel Convention Plastic Waste Amendment and Continued Aftermath :
Remnant Challenge & Future Road for a Cleaner Environment
Alicia Jie-Hye Lee <Director at ILRC >