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Archive : Nuclear Energy & Air Space Law
Because it is hard to reach a consensus on various crucial issues
People may have better and different opinions
on the alleged issues.
Deeply Respect the opinions of those that are different from here writers.
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어떤 분들께서는 이 관련 주제들에 대해
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집필자와 의견을 달리 하시는 분들의 의견들을 깊이 존중합니다.

A comparative study of station blackout scenario dynamics
initiated by internal and seismic event in boiling water reactor
by Sang-Gil Park (박 상길) et al.
Annals of Nuclear Energy 108 (2017)

The Limitations of an Air-Oxidation Breakaway Model
to Predict a Zirconium Fire in a Spent Nuclear Fuel Pool Accident
by Sang-Gil Park (박 상길) et al.
Sustainability (November 2019)

Immobilization of Radioiodine via an Interzeolite
Transformation to Iodosodalite
by Sang-Gil Park (박 상길) et al.
Nanomaterials (October 2020)

A Study of Prediction Model Improvement for Air-Oxidation Breakaway in
a Postulated Spent Nuclear Fuel Pool Complete Loss of Coolant Accident
by Sang-Gil Park (박 상길) et al.
Sustainability (January 2021)