International Law & History
Event | Anti-Corruption Law

Title : The Road To Prevent Political Corruption
Date: 7/7/2022 Real Talk via Zoom
주제 : 정치 부정부패를 방지하는 길
날짜 : 7/7/2022 리얼 토크 via Zoom
People have a tendency to define Power as wealth fame status connection
Notion based on hubris rapacity that will regretfully lead the world to Judgment day
Please Click
고려대학교 국제법 연구센터의 학술행사는
참여하는 분들의 정치적인 성향과는
거리가 먼 인권 증진을 주 목적으로
행하여질 이벤트임을 미리 말씀 드립니다 감사드립니다
We inform you in advance that our ILRC
Academic Event of Korea University is strictly for the
progress of Human Rights not related
to any political affiliation of the participants Thank You

David Jackson
Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI) U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Center,
Norway, Senior Advisor (2018 - present)
Researcher (2016 - present)
Hertie School of Governance, Germany, Lecturer (2010 - 2011)
Lecture Title : Politics, Corruption and Anticorruption :
Theories of the Change
Lee Jie-Hye Alicia
Korea University International Law Research Center, Director (2021 - present)
UC Berkeley Law School, Associate Researcher (2020 - present)
Stand Up Against Sex-Trafficking of Minors : Intl Div, Director (2018 - present)
PBC & WRC (2011 - present)
Lecture Title : Brief Review of Anticorruption
Laws Throughout International History

Honest Government with realistic practical Tough Laws
Mindset of every Individual to Avoid Corruption
Pray for Peace in each Country Thank You to our Heartful Presenters
강의자분들의 주제와 관련된 자료들을
받으실 분들은 아래 포스트를
클릭하여 콘택트내 들어있는 폼으로
문의하여 주시길 바래요 감사드립니다
For People who would like to have Access
To the documents By the Presenters
Please Click below posts & Inquire through
Email or Contact Form Thank you

Event A.

International Law & History
Event | Law of War

Title : War Crimes Fuel Effect against Bent Humanity & Punishment under Law -
No War has Good cause because Intent is to Destroy Dominate Discriminate
Date : 4/26/2024 International Zoom Real Talk
주제 : 전쟁범죄 기울어져 가는 인류의 치명적인 연료 효과로의 작용실태 및 국제법의 처벌이론 -
전쟁의 의도는 파괴 위압 차별을 의미하는 것으로 어떤 근간에도 적절한 전쟁이란것은 없다
날짜 : 4/26/2024 국제 줌리얼톡
People have a tendency to define Power as wealth fame status connection
Notion based on hubris rapacity that will regretfully lead the world to Judgment day

고려대학교 국제연구 법률센터 학술행사는
참여하는 분들의 정치적인 성향과는
거리가 먼 인권 증진을 주 목적으로
행하여질 이벤트임을 미리 말씀 드립니다 감사드립니다
We inform you in advance that our ILHRPC
Academic Event of Korea University is strictly for the
progress of Human Rights not related
to any political affiliation of the participants Thank You

Event B.
In Prep